Care after Combat receives The King’s Award for Voluntary Service
Care after Combat, an Armed Forces Charity based in Newark, Nottinghamshire, has been awarded The King’s Award for Voluntary Service. This is the highest award a local voluntary group can receive in the UK and is equivalent to an MBE. Care after Combat, formed in...
Care after Combat receives Lord Lieutenant’s Partnership Award
On 24th October, the Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System, Health and Care Awards took place at Nottingham University. 150 entries were received from across the health, care and voluntary sector. We are pleased to announce that Care after Combat were awarded the...
We will remember them
Thank you to Owen our Regional Coordinator (North West) for sharing his reflections on remembrance. A long time ago, when I was a very young and callow Acting Pilot Officer, I was presented with my RAF Pilot’s wings by what appeared to me to be a curmudgeonly elderly...