Care after Combat honoured with Silver Employer Recognition Scheme by MOD

Jul 18, 2022

Home 9 News 9 Care after Combat honoured with Silver Employer Recognition Scheme by MOD

Image credits go to the Changing Tides team

Image credits go to the Changing Tides team

Care after Combat has received the Employer Recognition Scheme Silver Award for their outstanding support towards the Armed Forces community.

The Employer Recognition Scheme Awards recognise organisations who have actively demonstrated their support for the Armed Forces community through implementing practical policies in the workplace.  This includes commitments such as paid time off for Reservists and Cadet Force Adult Volunteers, and ensuring HR policies are inclusive of Veterans and military spouses.

Care after Combat join the following organisations in the East Midlands who have won this prestigious award this year:

  • Derbyshire:  Cathelco, Derbyshire Alcohol Advice Service, Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Lifestyle Accounting Ltd, Porterbrook, Test One
  • Leicestershire:  Encore Personnel Services Ltd, Everyone Health, The Carpenter’s Arms, Vets4u
  • Lincolnshire:  Lincolnshire Community & Voluntary Service, Sygna (EMEA) Ltd
  • Northamptonshire:  North Northamptonshire Council, Pury Erskine, West Northamptonshire Council
  • Nottinghamshire:  Arc Property Services Partnership Ltd, Care After Combat, Centrum Solutions Ltd, Inspection Network Ltd, Intelligent Decisioning Ltd, Nottingham Trams Ltd, Premier Legal LLP, Riverside Health Centre, Youth Enterprise & Employability Academy

Under the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme, employers support Defence personnel and encourage others to do the same. The Scheme has three levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold. To achieve Silver, organisations much proactively demonstrate that the Armed Forces community are not unfairly disadvantaged as part of their recruitment policies. They must also actively ensure their workforce is aware of their positive policies towards Defence people issues.

Amy Barnett, Executive Assistant for the charity said:

“We are really pleased to have been recognised by the Employer Recognition Scheme to receive the silver award. Not only are 70% of our staff team veterans, we are proud that 95% of our Volunteer Mentors are service personnel or veterans. Our commitment to the Defence Community extends to ensuring that veterans in our care are supported  to seek training and work opportunities on release from prison, and that staff in prisons are trained to be aware of Armed Forces related issues. It is an honour to have been recognised in this way. Thank you to the team at East Midlands Defence Employer Recognition Scheme and congratulations to all receiving awards.”

Kirstie Lawrence, the Ministry of Defence’s Deputy Regional Employer Engagement Director for the East Midlands, said:

“We are delighted that so many local businesses have been recognised with this Silver Award. Despite the pressures of the last few years, these companies have taken the time to ensure our Armed Forces community is supported. It is gratifying to see that, whatever the size of the business, there is a place for the Armed Forces Covenant, and they recognise the benefits of working with Defence. They should be really proud of this significant achievement.”